Terms of Attendance

Code of Conduct

This document outlines the terms and conditions for attending events organized by Tashan Events. By purchasing a ticket to any Tashan Event or entering the premises hosting a Tashan Event, you (the “Attendee”) agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Right to Amend
    Tashan Events reserves the right to amend, modify, or rephrase any or all points in this code of conduct without prior consent or notification.
  2. Safe Space Policy
    Tashan Events is committed to providing a safe space for LGBTQI+ persons. If you do not support or respect the LGBTQI+ community, you are required to refrain from attending.
  3. Decorum
    The Attendee is expected to maintain proper decorum throughout the event.
  4. Photography of Performances
    Photography of performances and performers during their acts is permitted.
  5. Photography of Patrons
    Photography, whether still, video, or animated, of any patrons without their explicit consent is strictly prohibited.
  6. Event Photography
    Photographs taken by event organizers or staff are the sole property of Tashan Events. Such photographs may be used for promotional purposes and shared on social media. By attending, the Attendee consents to this usage.
  7. Respect and Safety
    The Attendee agrees to respect the consent and boundaries of all patrons. The security of our patrons is of utmost importance.
  8. Substance Use
    The use of illegal substances is strictly prohibited. Any Attendee found using such substances will be asked to leave the premises without any entitlement to re-entry or refund.
  9. Patron Welfare
    The Attendee agrees to look out for fellow patrons. If someone feels unwell, the Attendee should seek assistance to help them get home safely or to the nearest medical center if necessary.
  10. Compliance and Enforcement
    Failure to comply with this code of conduct or the venue’s terms and conditions, or any complaints from patrons, may result in the Attendee’s removal from the event without entitlement to a refund or further recourse.
  11. Indemnification
    The Attendee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Tashan Events from any direct or indirect damages arising from their attendance at the event.
  12. Event Changes
    Tashan Events reserves the right to modify event details, reschedule, or cancel events without prior notice due to unforeseen circumstances. In the event of cancellation or rescheduling, ticket holders will be offered a refund.
  13. Rights of Entry
    Tashan Events reserves all rights of entry.

Acknowledgment and Acceptance
By purchasing a ticket or attending a Tashan Event, the Attendee acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agree to abide by the terms and conditions set forth in this code of conduct.

Governing Law
This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein.